Art of Live

Author: riferz (Page 43 of 61)

Al Mutanabbi (The Lion – poem)

When the lion bares his teeth, do not
fancy that the lion shows to you a smile.
I have slain the man that sought my heart’s blood many a time,
Riding a noble mare whose back none else may climb,
Whose hind and fore-legs seem in galloping as one,
Nor hand nor foot requireth she to urge her on.
And O the days when I have swung my fine-edged glaive
Amidst a sea of death where wave was dashed on wave!
The desert knows me well, the night, the mounted men
The battle and the sword, the paper and the pen

إذا رَأيْتَ نُيُوبَ اللّيْثِ بارِزَةً فَلا تَظُنّنّ أنّ اللّيْثَ يَبْتَسِمُ
وَمُهْجَةٍ مُهْجَتي من هَمّ صَاحِبها أدرَكْتُهَا بجَوَادٍ ظَهْرُه حَرَمُ
رِجلاهُ في الرّكضِ رِجلٌ وَاليدانِ يَدٌ وَفِعْلُهُ مَا تُريدُ الكَفُّ وَالقَدَمُ
وَمُرْهَفٍ سرْتُ بينَ الجَحْفَلَينِ بهِ حتى ضرَبْتُ وَمَوْجُ المَوْتِ يَلْتَطِمُ
الخَيْلُ وَاللّيْلُ وَالبَيْداءُ تَعرِفُني وَالسّيفُ وَالرّمحُ والقرْطاسُ وَالقَلَمُ

Al-Mutanabbi (915 – 965) was an Arab poet. He is considered as one of the greatest poets in the Arabic language.

William Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage”

All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts


“All the world’s a stage” is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare’s As You Like It.

Likes, by Mohamed

Ik ben bij de lijken gaan zitten
Om te voelen of ik voel

Wie zijn de levenden?
Ik pretendeer te sterven
Maar ik leef niet


Ik neem je teksten in beraad
Ik zet de woorden op toetsen en snaren
(…) Een eigenaardig ritme
Ik kan daar niet op vertrouwen
Er ontstaat geen melodie

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